Need Dumpster Rental in Mountain View, CA


Why Choose Value Dumpster Rental?

With all the dumpster rental companies in California, you may be asking yourself, “why Value Dumpster Rental?” the answer to this question is straightforward they are the best dumpster rental company.  Listed below are some of the reasons why you should choose Value Dumpster Rental:
The best time to rent a dumpster

Expedited Delivery

All dumpster rentals will be dispatched as quickly as possible once they are ordered, and in most cases, they will be delivered within 24 hours.


Extensions Available

Is your project taking longer than expected, and you need longer than the 7-day rental period?  No problem, Value Dumpster Rental has extensions available for a low daily rate.

Conveniently Placed

When our team of experts arrives to drop off your dumpster, you can rest assured it will be placed safely in a convenient location on your property.


Expert Advice

At Value Dumpster Rental, we employ a team of experts with the education and experience to help you with any advice you need.  We will help you pick out the dumpster that best suits your needs, and we are here to answer any questions you have.

Customer Support

With customer satisfaction our top priority, we have customer service agents available to address any questions or concerns that may arise during the dumpster rental process.


Convenient Ordering

At Value Dumpster Rental, we understand that not all customers have schedules conducive to the typical workday, so we are open on Saturdays to accommodate our customers as well as the option to send an email for a quote.
If you live in or around the Mountain View area and need to rent a dumpster, the clear choice is Value Dumpster Rental.  Our highest priority is customer satisfaction, and our friendly expert staff is there every step of the way to ensure that all your needs are met.  Don’t hesitate to call today at (669) 303-8370 or request a quote conveniently online at  Be sure to ask about our additional services, including temporary fence rentals, storage container rentals, and portable toilet rentals.
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